Hi I’m Margaret and I am a Clinical Hypnotherapist, specialising in the licensed Hypnoslimmer Experience.
Let me share with you my passion for letting the power of hypnosis bring about amazing change in your relationship with food. Let your inner mind realise the potential within you to allow you to become the shape and size you want to be. No diets, no restrictive eating, just natural and positive changes in your habits and thoughts. This will help you break free from overeating, emotional eating and unhelpful cravings. You will be so surprised at how easy hypnotherapy can be in collapsing old habits and strengthen new ones to create the body shape and size you so desire.
Please contact me to arrange a free no obligation consultation to discuss how we can begin this amazing journey to a new lighter and brighter you!
Together we can work out a personalised plan tailored to your own needs around what needs to be challenged and changed with the power of hypnosis.
I never ask anyone to sign up to this experience until they have thought about it and no money will change hands until you are certain you wish to begin this life changing experience.
Let the magic begin…